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About What is Lupus? Write to Ida
Who is Ida?

My name is Ida Kolader and I have Lupus. There are 5 million people worldwide battling this chronic, life threatening, autoimmune disease. It manifests very differently in every patient and goes misdiagnosed often within individuals.

In 2011, I started the Plum Blossom Foundation and became fully devoted to bringing awareness about Lupus and alternative healing methods.

Our first project* told the impact Lupus had in my life. The poetic short film called FLARE, referring to the flares one experiences with Lupus, shows my daily struggle with constant pain, chronic fatigue, paralysis and several near-death experiences. It elaborates on the emotional landscape that comes with illness, the insecurities, and the questions. I wanted to expose the misunderstanding from society as many illnesses today do not have physical manifestations on appearance. Lupus is one of those illnesses. I faced devastating frustration with hospitals, doctors, lab tests, drugs; the monthly, weekly and even daily IV’s, and the long rides in the desperate search for the “right” therapy or “cure.”

I am 35 years old. I was diagnosed with Lupus in 2003 and in 2007, during my worst flare, Lupus attacked my heart, lungs, eyes, skin and even my nervous system. My life was at risk because all drugs recommended failed to work and in some cases heightened the symptoms. I was eventually put on chemotherapy, a trial treatment for Lupus.

I always knew what most patients feel and yet are very insecure to voice, told a personal and intimate story that documented we are merely suppressing our symptoms with the drugs and not treating the root of the illness.

I had to take my life back. After 12 years of pain, frustration, and suffering, I was finally ready to take responsibility for my own health: I decided to boost my immune system by changing my diet and lifestyle. I spent two weeks in Italy learning all about the role of food in our lives and how the way we eat and how what we eat affects our health. I spent three months in California, detoxing, alkalizing and restoring my body to its natural healthy state. These three months changed my life physically and spiritually. Not only did it bring me health freedom, it also brought me back to my own heart. I am aware of the person I am today without the stigma of Lupus, the drugs, the doctors, the lab tests and hospitals. It changed my body, my mind, and soul. I am finally experiencing a significant relief. I am better and I am healthier than I have ever been and even one year completely off meds, for the first time since I was diagnosed with Lupus.

I am on the road to full remission and a normal healthy life.

*FLARE played at several different film festivals and was an official selection for the African World Documentary, I will tell Film Festival, ZINEBI and Shortcutz Amsterdam.

How can you help?

By getting involved and supporting our cause, you can make a huge impact with a small action and help improve the day-to-day lives of many patients.

  • Make a donation and change lives for the better.

  • Talk to neighbors, friends, co-workers and family. Old-fashioned word-of-mouth is the most effective campaign tactic of them all.

  • Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.

  • Add your voice! Like, Share and Retweet our stories. Clicking ‘like’, ‘share’ or ‘retweet’ might not seem like much, but if that one click leads to some of your friends telling their friends, who tell their friends, who tell their friends, your small action can have a huge impact and it really makes a difference to us.

All funds will go directly to Plum Blossom Foundation and will be used for informational, educational and raising awareness purposes.

We encourage everyone to get educated, spread awareness, and get involved!

Advocate for more effective, less invasive and drug free healing.

YOU have the power to change someone's life.




Educating the general public about Lupus | Supporting and serving those affected by Lupus | Promoting Lupus awareness and Lupus organizations
© 2012 Plum Blossom Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Site by OTPasha
Plum Blossom Foundation